About Us

Who We Are

We believe in the comprehensive treatment of the mind, body, and spirit. Our holistic approach guides clients to begin a fresh chapter in their lives. If you're ready to create positive change in your life, we will help you every step of the way. We're dedicated to achieving positive outcomes.

Transformation is our Keystone

Our Mission

At Seven Arrows Recovery, all individuals are met with love. We offer a salutogenic approach to the treatment of trauma and addiction. This means promoting well-being and resilience by enhancing our clients' strengths, resources, and sense of purpose. Our clinical program is elevated by the healing power of sacred land, community, and the use of ceremony. We help guide clients back to their center, a reconnection with themselves.

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Growth is Our Guidepost

Our Vision

Our vision at Seven Arrows Recovery is to model a needed transformation in the treatment landscape, moving from an industry-driven model to a community-centered healing practice. Grounded in education, integrity, and presence, we weave hope into the fabric of the recovery journey, fostering lasting healing and connection.

Laura Fedele

Chief Executive Officer

transformative paths

Our Approach

Seven Arrows cultivates a healthy balance between providing the structure you need for sustainable recovery and working with you as a unique individual. Your interests and needs are integrated into your daily routine, and can be harmonized with existing treatment schedules.

likeminded & dedicated

Meet Our Team

Our multidisciplinary team of specialists are committed to empowering clients with the tools they need to break free from the cycle of addiction. Seven Arrow's clinical and addiction treatment professionals offer authentic “whole person”  focused care, in a one of a kind community.  Many of our staff members have long term recovery and have been triumphant over addiction themselves, dedicating their lives to helping others find their way.

Laura Fedele

Chief Executive Officer

Dr. Tracey Oppenheim MD

Medical Director

Brian Two Moons

Founder & Director of Ceremony

Laura Harder LPC

Lead Therapist

Seven Arrows Staff 4

Melissa Simard BAPSY CCTS-A, NASM

Equine Specialist, ARCH Member & Certified Nutrition Coach

Seven Arrows Recovery Staff 2

Laura Lind

Masters Prepared Counselor

Brad Loring

Admissions Supervisor

Sarah Owen RN

Registered Nurse

Placida Valdez

Admissions Coordinator

Kody Smith MBA, BS

Marketing Director

Winter Groeschl

Family Program Facilitator

Recovery is waiting...

A Place That Can Change Your Life for Good.

Come heal in the Arizona Desert at Seven Arrows Recovery. Treatment is based on evidence based modalities, holistic principles and ancient healing traditions. We’ll help you to rebuild and restore your true spirit and authentic self, one day at a time.

we are dedicated to helping others

Our Promise to you

We promise that when you choose Seven Arrows Recovery you will be treated with respect and dignity. We understand that no two clients are alike which is why we provide each client with a unique, individualized treatment plan centered around having a transformative experience.

Top-Rated Treatment

A Drug & Alcohol Rehab That Cares.

Our Approach

A Boost For Your Wellbeing.


Why Choose Us?

Seven Arrows Recovery is truly unlike any other rehab in Arizona. Our facility boasts a rich history that continuously pays tribute to those who came before us. Explore our family-owned and operated program located in the heart of Southern Arizona.

The environment at Seven Arrows Recovery was purposefully designed to offer you an immersive experience in physical wellness and mental healing.

At Seven Arrows Recovery we provide more than just treatment. Our program offers you an opportunity to restart your life free from drugs & alcohol.

Our treatment services are unlike most treatment centers. We believe in a holistic approach that treats the root causes of substance abuse leading to recovery.

Insurance Can Help Cover the Cost of Treatment

We Work With Most Major Insurance

Stories of Hope & Healing

Visit Our


Seven Arrows Recovery is nestled at the base of the Swisshelm Mountain in Elfrida, Arizona.