Addressing Addiction in Native American Communities

Addressing Addiction in Native American Communities

November 29, 2023 2024-01-08 20:29

Research found that U.S. American Indians/Alaska Natives have the highest rates of alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, and hallucinogen use disorders than other racial/ethnic groups in the U.S. These staggering facts show that there is a serious drug addiction epidemic in Native American communities. From experiencing a legacy of trauma to heightened poverty rates, there are a variety of risk factors at play to explain why addiction in Native American communities is so high. If you are struggling with addiction, it’s critical you seek help to take back control of your life.

At Seven Arrows Recovery, we are a leading drug rehab in Arizona that’s committed to helping as many patients as possible overcome addiction and achieve lifelong sobriety. With a range of comprehensive treatment services, we’re here to help you every step of the way to break free of addiction for good. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you on your recovery journey. 

Why Are Addiction Rates High in Native American Communities?

As mentioned above, addiction rates for substances like alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine are higher in U.S. Native American communities than in other racial/ethnic communities. Native American communities experience a range of challenges that inevitably increase their risk of developing a drug addiction. 

For example, below are some potential risk factors that can contribute to why addiction in Native American communities is so high:

  • Higher levels of unemployment
  • Racism
  • Trauma
  • Poverty
  • Discrimination
  • Mental illness
  • And more

While all these risk factors above do not necessarily cause addiction in Native American communities, they can increase the likelihood of individuals struggling with drug addiction. Similarly, it’s important to note that the above risk factors do not just impact Native American communities. Unfortunately, many individuals are exposed to the above risk factors making them vulnerable to addiction. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, whether you are part of the Native American community or not, it’s important you seek professional addiction treatment to safely and effectively overcome your addiction. 

Why Seeking Professional Addiction Treatment Is So Important

In addition to the above risk factors like historical trauma and discrimination that play a role in increasing the substance abuse rates in Native American communities, oftentimes individuals within the Native American are less likely to seek professional treatment for their addiction. This can be due to a variety of reasons from poverty to not having enough available resources, poor transportation, or even a distrust of non-Native American addiction treatment centers.  

However, it’s critical to understand that professional addiction treatment can significantly help you not just overcome your addiction, but maintain your sobriety long-term. This is because you’ll not only safely detox, but you will also learn healthy coping strategies to maintain your sobriety and reduce your risk of relapsing. To find the right drug rehab near you, do research on facilities that offer treatment for your unique recovery needs. For example, if you struggle with alcohol addiction, be sure to find a facility that offers treatment for alcohol addiction. 

Plus, if you are struggling with both a drug addiction and mental illness, it’s critical you seek a drug rehab that offers dual diagnosis treatment so you can treat both your conditions at the same time. Otherwise, failure to treat one condition, but not the other condition can increase your likelihood of relapsing. 

Top-Rated Addiction Treatment in Arizona 

Addiction in Native American communities is prevalent for several reasons. From increased exposure to trauma and poverty to being less likely to seek professional treatment if you are struggling with addiction, there are a wide variety of reasons why Native American communities experience more drug addiction and substance abuse. However, whether you are part of the Native American community (or not), you should never feel too afraid or ashamed to ask for help in breaking free of your addiction.
At Seven Arrows Recovery, our team of compassionate addiction specialists is here to help you every step of the way on your road to recovery. We understand how debilitating a disease addiction can be. That’s why we offer a wide range of treatment options to ensure you receive the best possible care to support you on your recovery journey. Contact us today to learn more about how we can best help you overcome your addiction.